Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I'm alive!

Hello all, I am on day 6 of the cruise and feel like I have a lot of catching up to do. It has been an amazing experience so far. I have seen bits of Rome, Civitavecchia (the port we departed from), Portofino (my favorite), Rapallo, San Margherita, Genova (famous for pesto), Florence, Lucca, Pisa, and Sicily (Wow). We still have so many more to go.

In Rome I only had time to walk around and see a few sites, have a wonderful dinner that may have ruined me for life as far as American Italian restaurants, flirt with a cute Italian man, and have a few wild cab rides. On our way to the hotel after dinner there was a rain storm like none I’d ever seen. Sheets of water like when a huge truck hits a puddle and douses your windshield but non-stop. Cars were pulled over on the side of the freeway and others were driving slow with their emergency flashers on. Our cab driver slowed down a bit but not much. There was lightning every few seconds. It was scary and cool.

We got on the boat the next morning and headed north. The first port was supposed to be Portofino but due to high winds and rough seas we had to go to Genova and be shuttled to other Italian Riviera towns. The drive was long but it let us see the amazing countryside. Genova is known for being the birthplace of pesto. The land is rough and rocky. The people who settled there had to terrace the land to be able to build or plant anything. We had stops in San Margherita and Rapallo but the best was Portofino. Portofino is set on a small bay. The water comes right up to the walkways. There is a wide boat launch that is on the same level as the shop fronts. I never did ask what happens at high tide. It was just so calm and beautiful with boats all around in the water and on the land. As we strolled along the waterfront we had to watch for waves lapping up over the retainer walls.

Almost out of time…next entry will be Florence, Lucca, Pisa, Sicily and singing Karaoke.

1 comment:

sis said...