Sunday, November 9, 2008

oh shoot! I forgot Sicily!

Interesting that I should forget the place I'd most like to go spend more time in. Hmmmm. Ooops.

I don't have to tell you all that I can be pretty clueless about other countries and cultures. This has been such a great way to learn. I wasn't aware that Sicily is so much its own country. They have their own history and influences and language. The guide was hesitant to discuss the mafia but he did say it is absolutely real and present. He talked at length about his Mama. I'd guess he was in his thirties and while he does live on his own, she makes his lunch everyday and then feeds him dinner at night. she does his laundry as well. He couldn't see a reason to get married when he is so well taken care of and that is the norm. Men find it hard to find a woman to replace Mama and women find it hard to compete. When someone asked him what happens when his Mama dies, he wouldn't even think about it. Crazy.

I was surprised to see the cactus everywhere. Apparently it is a hot, dry climate.

We went to a town named Taormina for a walking tour. At the top of town there is an arena that is in ruins. there was a lot of construction going on trying to save it. As we wandered the streets we came upon a celebration and parade honoring the soldiers. It is a special day for children to meet soldiers and join them in the parade.

All along the main street there were narrow alleys going up and down the hills. I was tempted to venture along a few and see what life was like off the beaten path. I didn't follow that urge but I did take picture after picture. On a ledge at the opening of one of these was this darling furball.

After Taormina we went up Mount Etna, a very active volcano. I could have lived without that part of the tour. Long winding roads sitting sideways, interpreting. you can bet I got carsick. Didn't puke but it was close and the headache was pretty bad. They fed us a nice lunch and I walked around to try to feel better. I asked to skip interpreting on the way down and my team let me off the hook. They saw e turn green and didn't want an encore. I would have rather seen it from afar like this picture.


Lance said...

Oh, carsick, hadn't thought about that, poor Lisa!

sis said...

That kitty looks like PIXIE!!